Asha Bangladesh: Your Trusted Educational Conseling Agency
Explore the World – Asha Bangladesh will help You
Asha Bangladesh is a socially responsible business initiative. We commit to allocating 10% of our profit to support the education of disadvantaged women in Bangladesh. More on Asha Bangladesh’s Humantarian….. page.
We are authorized agent of Southeast Missouri State University, USA.

Asha Bangladesh is an education consulting agency dedicated to guiding students in pursuing higher education overseas. Students can expect honest and transparent advice on all aspects of studying abroad. We do not make false promises or create unrealistic expectations. At Asha Bangladesh, our team is committed to integrity—we will never promise anything we cannot deliver. That is our pledge to you.
We are an independent agent. We are not a secondary agent and do not work for another agency on a commission basis, unlike most so-called big recruitment agencies. We maintain full control over every step of the process, ensuring maximum efficiency and transparency in all our activities.

Scholarships Available for Bangladeshi incoming students at Southeast Missouri State University and other US universities in the amount $1,000-$8,000 per year.
Deadline to apply for scholarships approaching fast. Act now.
Contact Asha Bangladesh your Trusted Student Counseling Agency.
A number of Scholarships in various fields sponsored by US and other government and non-government organizations are available to students and currently employed young Bangladeshi nationals. If you are a high achiever, contact Asha Bangladesh now. Team members at Asha Bangladesh may help you getting one of these scholarships.

Professor Mohammed Hashmat Ali with Professor Paul Anastas,
father of the Green Chemistry.
Few Words for the Parents from the Managing Director, Professor Mohammed Ali
Welcome to Asha Bangladesh
At Asha Bangladesh, we understand how challenging it can be to send your son or daughter to a university far from home—especially if it’s their first time abroad. When I traveled to the U.S. for higher education, my own family had similar concerns. However, I firmly believe that this decision could be one of the best investments you make in your child’s future.
In the months leading up to their departure, you will likely experience a mix of emotions, from excitement to anxiety. To ease your concerns, I want to assure you of our unwavering commitment to professionalism, integrity, objectivity, transparency, and care for our student clients. We approach every interaction with the same dedication and honesty as we would for our own children, ensuring that both you and your child receive the best possible guidance.
At Asha Bangladesh, our mission is not driven by profit but by a genuine desire to help students unlock their potential and build a successful future. We believe that nurturing and empowering young minds creates a ripple effect—benefiting not only the individual but also their family, community, and the world.
With over 50 years of combined experience in higher education—including my own 30+ years in teaching, research, academic leadership, and service on various university committees—we are well-equipped to guide your child through this significant transition. As the former Chairman of the Graduate Program at Southeast Missouri State University’s Chemistry Department, I have over two decades of experience helping students navigate the complexities of the U.S. higher education system. While I don’t claim to know everything, I do have extensive knowledge of the process, and if you’re looking for a reliable agency, we may be able to help.
Bangladesh has many student recruitment agencies, and your choice ultimately depends on your needs. If you’re looking for quality counseling that not only secures admission but also sets your child up for long-term success, Asha Bangladesh is the right choice. We are a no-frills, no-nonsense, down-to-earth agency, and our sole mission is to help students build a brighter future.
Through Asha Bangladesh, we are well-positioned to assist students who wish to attend Southeast Missouri State University, as well as other universities across the United States. While we have extensive experience with Southeast, our services are not limited to that institution—we support students seeking admission to various universities in the U.S. Our team members collectively have over 50 years of experience in the U.S. education system, ensuring that students receive expert guidance.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Thank you, and Adiós (goodbye)
Testimonial from Shobnom Ferdous _ a former Southeast Missouri State University student
Since childhood, I dreamed of studying in the USA. After completing my MSc from the University of Dhaka, finding a funded graduate program was not easy. My Rokeya Hall Chemistry roommate, Lubna, told me about Dr. Ali. I emailed him, and the last sentence of his first email was, “You can count on my help.” He supported me with my admission, funding, airport pickup, and settling in Cape Girardeau.
I can never say enough about the support and love I received from Dr. Ali and his family. My early Missouri days were warm and welcoming because of Dr. Ali and his family’s support. Now, as a faculty member in Auburn University’s Biological Sciences department, I wish him all the best. – Shobnom Ferdous
He (Dr. Mohammed Ali) is very kind and helpful person, I came to USA 22 years back with his help and now I am faculty in the USA – Shobnom Ferdous
My Side of the Story
Shobnom sent me an email requesting my help with securing admission and an assistantship in the Biology department. However, I soon discovered that she had not yet taken an English proficiency test. I advised her to take the test first and then contact me again.
About a year later, she emailed me again, informing me that she had taken the TOEFL and was ready to apply. What followed is quite an interesting story about how I helped her achieve her goal.
One afternoon, after finishing a class, I was washing my hands in the Rhodes Hall restroom when I happened to run into the Chair of the Biology Department, Professor Carl Train, at the sink next to me. We knew each other well and had a great deal of mutual respect.
While washing our hands, I mentioned to Carl that I knew a Bangladeshi student interested in pursuing higher education in the U.S. I explained that she would need an assistantship because, without it, she wouldn’t be able to afford her studies. She also happened to be a biology major. Carl responded, “Ali, since you are recommending her, I have no problem considering her for an assistantship. Ask her not to send her application directly to the admissions office. Instead, have her send the application materials to you, and then you can bring them to me. I’ll personally forward her application to the admissions office with my recommendation.”
Following Professor Carl’s advice, Shobnom sent her application materials to me, and I delivered them to Carl. The Chemistry and Biology faculty offices are both in Rhodes Hall, so it was convenient. As Carl glanced through her application, he noticed that Shobnom was a student at Dhaka University—my own alma mater. Jokingly, he said, “Ali, Dhaka University is your alma mater, and she’s studying there, so I smell some bias here.”
I smiled and replied, “Carl, you know I wouldn’t recommend a student who doesn’t deserve it.”
Carl nodded and said, “I’ll let you know in a few days whether we’ll award her an assistantship.”
About a week later, Dr. Carl Train came to my office to inform me that the Biology Department had decided to accept Shobnom as a graduate student and award her an assistantship. However, he advised me not to inform her officially yet, as the decision needed to go through university administration first.
A few days later, once the decision was finalized, I informed Shobnom that she had been accepted and would receive an assistantship from the Biology Department. This is the story of how I helped Shobnom, and interestingly, I don’t think I’ve ever shared it with her.
Beyond Shobnom, I have helped numerous other students secure admission and assistantships during my tenure at Southeast.
I found Southeast Missouri State University to be a remarkable place. I have many fond memories of my time there, where I was warmly welcomed, respected, and supported by my colleagues and the university community. Many of the university’s advertising campaigns featured my research, classes, and professional highlights. Even after retiring from teaching, I remain in close contact with many people at SEMO, including administrators and staff at International Services, who play a key role in international student admissions.
Through my counseling agency, Asha Bangladesh, I am well-positioned to assist students who wish to attend Southeast Missouri State University and other universities in the U.S. While we have extensive experience with SEMO, our services are not limited to that institution—we support students seeking admission to universities across the United States.
If you or someone you know is looking for expert guidance on studying in the U.S., I would be happy to help
We are authorized agent of Southeast Missouri State University, USA.

Testimonial from Rawshan – a former student at Southeast.
My name is Rawshan. After completing my undergraduate studies at Dhaka university, I began working at Department of Environment ( DoE) in Bangladesh. However, due to numerous challenges associated with working in the government sector, I decided to pursue graduate studies in the United States. I resigned from my position and moved to the US for further education. Unfortunately, after first semester, I lost my teaching assistantship. During my difficult period, Rajib vai introduced me to Ali sir., who provide invaluable support in securing both admissions and funding at Southeast Missouri State university. Without his guidance and support, I would have likely been forced to return to Bangladesh. Today, both my husband and I have successfully completed our Master’s degree in the US and are currently employed here. I strongly believe that with the guidance and support of Ali Sir, ASHA Bangladesh has the capacity to assist thousands of Bangladeshi students in realizing their academic and professional aspirations. All the best. – Rawshan.
A Cautionary Tale: The Importance of Choosing the Right Recruitment Agency
Over the years, I have heard countless horror stories from Bangladeshi students at Southeast Missouri State University and other U.S. institutions about their recruitment agents—how they were misled about the schools they would attend, the availability of scholarships, job opportunities, work permits, and other crucial financial details. Some agents provided false information about school policies and concealed the actual costs of studying in the U.S., engaging in unethical practices that left students and their families in distress.
If you are planning to study in the U.S. or send your child abroad for higher education, I urge you to read the following true story as a cautionary tale.
I once encountered a graduate student (name withheld for privacy) who had earned an undergraduate degree in pharmacy in Bangladesh but had been placed in a Polytech program at Southeast by his recruitment agent. The student had no background in the Polytech field, yet was enrolled in the program. Since he lacked the required GRE score for admission to his intended program, his recruiter placed him in the Polytech program instead, which did not require a GRE score. The agent justified this decision based on a single course the student had taken in Bangladesh on Quality Control in the Pharmaceutical Industry. However, the recruiter either failed to recognize or willfully ignored the fact that courses with similar titles in different fields can have vastly different content—making it difficult, if not impossible, for students to succeed when misplaced.
As a result, without prior background in Polytech, the student struggled academically in the Polytech program—”struggled” may even be too mild a word in this case—and was on the verge of being dismissed from the university. This would have forced him to return home, wasting the significant amount of money his parents had sacrificed for his education.
One day, the student came to my office, pleading for help. Although he was not in my department, I consulted with SEMO administrators, including the department chair and the college dean, and worked to find a solution. Ultimately, we facilitated his transfer into our chemistry program, which was much better aligned with his academic background and intended field of study.
This case underscores an important lesson: recruitment agents who lack firsthand knowledge of the U.S. education system can only help so much—and for many, their primary concern is not the student’s well-being but the money they can earn. Be mindful of this when making your decision.
Secondhand or hearsay information about universities in the U.S. can never replace firsthand experience when making critical recommendations about a student’s academic journey. The Asha Bangladesh team has over 50 years of combined firsthand experience in higher education in the U.S. They will not mislead you and they will warn you if they notice any red-flag in your academic plan you want to pursue. Do not put yourself in a difficult situation abroad and also cause distress to your loved ones. We, the Team Members at Asha Bangladesh, are here to help you and guide you to a better future. Choose wisely.
Asha Bangladesh is currently assisting students in securing admission to universities in the USA, including Southeast Missouri State University.
Students are in action (pics below) in the USA and in India. Professor Ali’s fourteen (14) students conducted research in Green Chemistry for three years in India which was funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), USA.

Professor Mohammed Ali's students in a lab in India

Professor Mohammed Ali’s student carrying out research. Student in the pic went to the Notre Dame University for a Ph. D. and Harvard University for a Post-doctoral. He is now a professor at one of the top universities in the USA developing drugs to cure Cancer.
Professor Ali’s several students went to prestigious universities to further their education or employed in top pharmaceutical/chemical companies in the USA.
We are authorized agent of Southeast Missouri State University, USA.

The student in this pic developed a new chemical procedure in Professor Ali’s lab which is now used by pharmaceutical and chemical industries worldwide. She is currently working for one of the largest chemical companies in the world.
Explore The World
Let the higher education abroad open your world and mind.
The value of a degree depends on the institution that awards it. You don’t want to end up with a meaningless certificate. A degree without value will provide little assistance in building your career later in life. Be sure to ask your agent about the options available to you when selecting schools. Additionally, inquire about how much first-hand knowledge your agent has of the education system in the country where you are applying. Second-hand information or hearsay cannot compare to direct, first-hand experience.
Asha Bangladesh executives have over 50 years of combined higher education experiences in the USA.
We are authorized agent of Southeast Missouri State University, USA.